Friday, December 5, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Friday, September 3, 2010

An Extremely Overdue Update

We are almost, kinda, close to being "finished". I say it that way because I have come to realize that we are probably going to be working on this house for years to get it all exactly how we want it, between the landscaping and the basement overhaul, the porches re-done, the garage re-build, and the new decks. Anyways, we are almost done what we are considering the big reno, and the rest will just be icing on the cake! So, we have the trim, the stairs, and the shower to do inside, as well as the window coverings (undecided as of yet). Outside we have the back awning and siding. That is it!! Here are some pics of our progress.

So, as you can see, we ended up sticking with the ceiling fan in the actually turned out looking okay....less like a helicopter than before!!

Now we need to decide on the siding colour. Here are some photoshop pics of the house with each of our 3 finalists. Please let us know what you think looks best.
Until next time

The car in the driveway? A little dream of Ben's!!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Here it is!

We have been working super hard and I think it is kinda fair to say we are kinda almost done.....the inside....kinda! I am posting pics but instead of rhyming off a list of what we have done, I will detail what we still have to do (shorter list!!) We have to put the doors on the cabinets, add a shelf to the kitchen pantry, lay the floors, add the trim, hang all the doors, build the closet organizers, and figure out what we are going to do about the stairs and do it. There is a sewage dig that needs to happen on the front lawn, then a complete front deck build, the roof needs to be finished, siding up, and landscaping including the fence build.......that's it....besides moving all of our stuff in and renovating both porches. That is still a long list, but this stuff is so much funner (yes that is a word, only extreme renovators use it) to do. Here are some shots, please let us know what you think so far. And, please note, the fan in the dining room (the one that resembles a helicopter) is not is going to live somewhere else!
Until next time :)

I can't show you a pic of Liv's room cause she is sleeping in there without any jammies!!


Friday, May 7, 2010


i took this week off from work and besides tuesday night and tonight, have seen midnight or more everynight with a tapers knife or sandblock in my hand. the intent is to have the house fully painted by Sunday night (May 8) so the electrician can finally hook us up. pictures to follow soon.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Up the creek....

Alright, lots has been happening around here! I finally have some pictures to post! There have been a few passed, insulation passed, framing passed, electrical passed....we are on to bigger and better things! We are almost completely done the is the taping and sanding. We have hit a few hurtles along the way, one of them being news we got last week. I went to the basement last Wednesday to find it full of sewage! I called in the authorities and we have been told there is a problem with the pipes leaving the house heading to the town sewage system....they need to be dug up and replaced! Horray! I need to call around for some quotes, but word on the street is we are looking at about 3-5K to fix this shitty problem. Not to mention, the entire front yard and basement floor need to be dug up and the front steps need to be removed....I guess I will be getting that little front deck I wanted sooner than later! On the bright side, we are lucky to find this out before we did the landscaping out front.....that would have made me cry.

Hopefully by the time you see pics again, the sanding will be done and my lungs will have held on long enough for me to post. We are definately on the home stretch here. The bathroom floor needs to be leveled again, then the tub and sink can be hooked up.....hopefully this weekend. The shower is just a couple hours away from being ready to be more showering at Max's! We left there in February and I am sure she would like us to get our towels out of there already! Then, we will be onto painting.....we bought all the paint a couple weeks ago....Rona had a sale.....I do love a sale! We are being encouraged to throw a paint party when the time comes, so we may just do that.
The kitchen is a big job that hasn't really taken priority yet. We got our cabinets for super super cheap beings that they were in rough shape and needed quite a bit of tlc. I have finished taking all the doors and hardware off, and they are all primed ready to be painted. The actual frames need to be reinforced yet, and mounted to the wall. I will be working on this little project this week.

Liv turned 6 on the weekend so we hosted our first little party here on Sunday. It went over well considering we have no running water, furniture really, or much in the way of electricity....goes to show you, it's the company that makes the party!

Until next time!
